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Maps can be found on the individual destination site pages, and are presented here as a collection. The source of the maps are public domain, and were scanned in by "The University of Texas Libraries". To download, select the map, right click in the resulting image and select 'save as'. Please credit "The University of Texas Libraries" and "cycletheparks.com". All routes are described on the que sheets.
Bastrop and Beuscher State Parks, routes 12 (yellow) and 36 (green)To give you some ideal as to the relative difficulty of each route, I have combined distance and altitude gained. Some may have more trouble with hills then I do, and would weight the vertical more. My rating is distance + alt gain/100. For perspective, the 75 mile, 3,756 foot route at Blanco scores half what the triple bypass in Colorado (120 miles, 10,000 ft) does, and l'Alpe d'huez (from Bourg-d'Oisans to the top) scores below mid pack.